“Tokyo Game Show 2017” held from 21st to 24th September ended well during the great success.
“BOKU-KARA” made a line arranged the lanes in front of the booth, and a lot of impressions were raised with the 【#BOKU-KARA】 at SNS.
Fortunately, we got introductions in the media as well, so we introduce some of them here.
At NTV “ZOOM IN!! SATURDAY”(2017/9/23)
「That particular topic VR game “Canojo” also appeared. I selected carefully selected VR which adopted “VIVE” at TGS, and asked why.」
Tokyo Game Show 2017 Feature
「【TGS 2017】I tried searching for something interesting at the venue of Tokyo Game Show 2017」
Gamesindustry.biz Japan Edition
「[TGS 2017]Review of Total VR game content. What is the trend of the VR / AR game that came out from the exhibition」
「From the smell to pain of JK! Next step of VR technology seen at the Tokyo Game Show」
「VR boxing while singing「BOKU-KARA」etc.、Report VR content booth【TGS 2017】 」
「BOKU-KARA」was nominated for the indie division of DENGEI-PlayStation
「DENGEKI-award nomination title from TGS2017. What is the title of attention this year!?」
「Our Top 5 Indie Games from Tokyo Game Show 2017」
Hong Kong economic newspaper
「拳擊結合唱K VR遊戲添創意【有片】」
quarterly Karaoke Entertainment No.107 Published
「quarterly Karaoke Entertainment」
New charm appealed, and possibility of market expansion by “VR” + “Karaoke”
Thank you very much for your visit!